Superfactory – How to participate?

You can participate in the Superfactory(TM) in 5 easy steps:

(0) As a Prosumer you enter the shop floor
(1) Play the game and win a Mini-FM Kit + CD
(2) Join the DIY* building of Mini-FM kits at the workshop
(3) Make up your own pirate radio station and broadcast (OC**)
(4) Join the Plug-in Party together with other Prosumers
(5) Be revolutionary televised live! on Superfactory ASCII Channel TV
(6) Be streamed in the WWW via MP3-Audio-Livestream

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Superfactory (TM) is a non registered trademark by displaced dilemma.

Superfactory(TM) provides an adjustable framework to creatively deal with global capitalism by creating new forms of production. Look at your surroundings, what can you do with the objects and processes that are immediately available? The more you do locally, the quicker globalism is drained of its power to distort the only life we have. Use the material of random re-sources and become a Prosumer within Superfactory(TM)!
Bring DIY into your practice and regain creative expressions!
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