15.10.2018 (17:00)
at TOP: Schillerpromonade 4, 12049 Berlin
Half Life is a publication edited by Kaethe Wenzel and Manfred Blohm, about art works dedicated to machines, non-human organism and artistic positions in the context of climate change and extinction. The publication has a soft launch at Art Laboratory Berlin last July. After the successful publication launch, Top Transdisciplinary Project Space invites Kaethe Wenzel and Lisa Glauer to present their artworks and present their artistic positions.
The doors will open at 17:00 to visit the pop-up exhibition. The publication will be available for purchase. The artist talk will start at 20:00.
Kaethe Wenzel
Born in Aachen, Germany, studied in Marburg, Florenz und Berlin. Professor of Aesthecic Practices and their Contexts at European University Flensburg. 2012 Professor of Art and Art History at Jacobs University Bremen (subbing); 2009/10 Visiting Professor and Fulbright Exchange Scholar at School of Visual Arts, New York. Lives in Berlin.
Lisa Glauer
Lisa Glauer taught as Assistant Professor from 2009 – 2011 and as Associate in the MFA Program Public Art and New Artistic Strategies at Bauhaus-University in Weimar (Bauhaus-Universität Weimar) until 2015, focussing in particular on developing and implementing international projects. She grew up in London, Marseille, Rabat, Prague, Genoa and Athens. She studied Linguistics at Georgia Augusta University, Göttingen, Political Science and Visual Art at San Jose State University, Visual Art at State University of New York, Purchase (BFA), completing her graduate studies in Painting and Art History at Pratt Institute, New York (dual degree, MFA/MS). She then completed the postgraduate program Art in Context, at the University of the Arts, Berlin (MA), and defended her PhD, focussing on (human) milk as drawing material, and historic science fiction imagery from the GDR/FRG, in the PhD Programm in Art and Design at Bauhaus-Universität, Weimar, with highest honors (summa cum laude). She is co-founder of the project space arttransponder in Berlin and was its artistic co-director until 2009. arttransponder focuses on participatory art at the interface to other disciplines.